Sağlıklı Beslenmenin Tam Zamanı!

How We Understand We Need Water?

Water have many benefits on digestion,circulation etc. systems.

We need water tos tay healthy.

Even though we know water benefits,we do not pay attention to drinking enough water daily.

We should not wait drinking water untill we feel thirsty.

Feeling thirsty is one of the latest signal that our bodies give to meet our daily need of water.

Our bodies express to us in many different ways that we need water.
  •        Dark urine color

The concentration of your urine color increases in direct proportion to your need for water.
  •       Skin Dryness

The reason for the skin foundation is not fully determined. 

But some researchers think that the skin foundation is caused by a lack of water and a low percentage of fat in the skin.

  •      Feeling Always Hunger

One of the reasons for feeling hunger is not meeting daily water needs.

This can lead to more food consumption and therefore weight gain.

If you feel that the feeling of hunger may be due to your need for water, you should drink water first.

If you still feel hungry despite drinking water, you can eat.

  •      Constipation

Not taking enough fiber with nutrients, sedentary life, stress, inadequate water consumption are some of the factors that may cause constipation.
  •      Tiredness and Headache

Diyetisyen Buket Akbulut

Merhaba, Ben Diyetisyen Buket Akbulut.Beslenme ve diyetetik bölümünü %100 İngilizce 3,62 ortalama ile yüksek onur öğrencisi olarak tamamladım.Danışanlarıma sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlıkları kazandırarak onların yaşam kalitesini arttırmayı hedefliyorum.Blogumda sağlıklı beslenme, hastalıklarda beslenme,besinlerin kalorileri vb. hakkında paylaşım yapıyorum.Sağlıklı Günler Dilerim.

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