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What Are Benefits Of Probiotics And Prebiotics?

PROBIOTICS are living organism which are beneficial for human body.

Probiotics play an important role in reducing the number of harmful bacteria in the body and increasing the number of beneficial bacteria.

It is effective in strengthening the immune system.

Probiotics can be used in diarrhea associated with antibiotic use, in irritable bowel syndrome, in inflammatory bowel disease, and in infected diarrhea.

Vitamins, enzymes, volatile fatty acids are substances that can be produced by probiotics.

Probiotic bacterias might be ordered as;
  1. L. acidophilus,
  2. L.casei Shirota,
  3. L.johnsonii,
  4. B.bifidum,
  5. L.longum 

Some of the tasks of probiotics are;
  • Strenghtening of the immune system,
  • K vitamine synthesis,
  • Protecting from intestinal harmful bacterias,
  • Treatment of constipation,
  • Treatment of diarrhea etc…

PREBIOTICS are substances that affect the functioning of microorganisms in the gut, which are positive effects on human health.

Prebiotics include nutritional fibers, fructans (inulin and oligofructose), oligosaccharides in soybeans and some galacto oligosaccharides in the mother's milk.

Prebiotics help increase the effect of probiotics.

Some of the tasks of the prebiotics are;
  • Reducing the PH of blood,
  • Helping treatment of constipation,
  • Better form of intestinal microflora in infants.

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