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Vegetarian Diet&Vitamin-Mineral Defficiency

The vegetarian diet consist of generally vegetable food consumption,limited or no intake of animal nutrients.Individuals should be given up vegetarian diet,if it is possible.According to the vegetarian group,individuals might have lack of some vitamin and minerals.

Riboflavin(Vitamin B2)
  • It is one of the B group vitamins.
  • Riboflavin play important role in protein metabolism and energy extraction.
  • Mostly found in milk and milk products.
  • Other sources of riboflavin include eggs, legumes and green leafy vegetables.
  • Especially who adopt vegan diet, might experiences riboflavin defficiency.
  • (In vegan diet there are no consumption of animal foods.)
  • Whole wheat products and legumes are recommended for elimination of riboflavin defficiency.

Cobalamin(Vitamin B12)
  • It works with folic acid in the construction of blood cells.
  • Cobalamin is also effective in the use of oils and proteins.
  • Cobalamin is not found in vegetable products,only animal nutrients contains it.
  • Lack of cobalamin might be resulted with anemia,damage in nervous system.

  • Calcium is found in the structure of teeth and bones.
  • There are high amount of calcium in milk,yoghurt,kefir and cheese.
  • Vegetarians who consume milk and dairy products can provide daily calcium needs from foods.
  • It is suggested that vegetarians should consume green leafy vegetables, legumes and soya products and balance nutrients in order to compensate for calcium deficiency.

  • Iron is found in the body hemoglobin structure, it is responsible for oxygen transport.
  • In energy metabolism, strengthening of the immune system, etc. play an important role.
  • If you do not get enough iron minerals, anemia, weakness of immunity, frequent catching of diseases can be seen.
  • The best sources of iron are animal foods.
  • Vegetables have less absorption and availability of iron than animal foods.
  • Vitamin C can be used to better benefit from the iron mineral in vegetable nutrients.
  • For vegetarians, eggs, legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts should be recommended.
  • Foods such as tea and coffee should not be taken with food because they reduce the absorption of iron by food.

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